Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!" Matthew 5:8

(I just realized that I never finished this post and it was meant to be posted a few weeks ago!)

SO, from Sunday September 29, 2013
 Today I was reminded f a sobering reality, one that I am so quick to forget. 

From Matthew 5:8: 
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."
How often do we feel guilty because (if we are honest with ourselves) we are not really excited about "seeing God"? To finally "get to glory!" The idea seems a bit surreal and frankly, the idea of for us young women and men, meeting our spouse or planning a wedding create more feelings of excitement and anticipation than those of seeing our Father in heaven...

I am almost fearful to even type these words. But if we (I) am honest with myself I treasure the things of this world over their Maker. However this sobering reality hit me: 

it is OK to love the things OF GOD. He gives us these desires and all good things come from the "Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." James 1:17