Friday, July 12, 2013


Gut Freitag to you all!

Wanted to let you know that Neuenburg's city fest is this weekend- tonight through Monday night. Basically all of the businesses downtown and clubs/groups in the city build these old German eating houses all over the streets- they serve a ton of alcohol and food- there is live music and people are crazy. It is an old tradition in the cities here and can be quite fun but insane.

The Atomics Baseball club is hosting their usual booth and we are all serving in some way or another over the next 4 days. Whether washing dishes, serving drinks, cooking food, or waitressing it is a service to the community and a chance to spend a lot of time with a lot of different people. I ask for prayer over this weekend, that amidst the craziness that there will be some great conversations had, fellowship made, and new relationships developed here. Pray for the stamina of our team- especially those of us who are working the closing shift on Saturday and have to be at church to serve on Sunday morning. Pray that Christ is seen in the few believers who are here, and we would be effective in our sphere of influence.

I am so thankful for the support and love of you all back home, I am honored by those of you walking with me- blessings on you!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Second baking excursion- my favorite cookies. Splurge of a shopping trip and two amazing girls to spend it with!

 Leo constantly hovering...

 Fashion Faux Pua #1 Can we say "Tchussieee!"


 For al of you Harry Potter fans, I have found you a "Nimbus 2000" on wheels?!

 Ying Yang Doors

 Der Munster


 My little girl MG 
(no flash allowed in church)

I suppose I could worship here! 

 And I could play this organ (if I knew how)

 My favorite part of the day was when some British couple asked me what this room was for,I told her it was the prayer chapel. Do you notice the names on the plates? Its called a mausoleum- burial in style. haha


 Der Munster- the church immediately following WWII, the entire city bombed and only those who were in the church were spared. The church and its people God had His hand on. How amazing!

View from the top of Der Munster- the towers! 
Only about 400 stairs.

  One of gate into the city

I look happy here but that was on the way down. Don't try this climb if you are claustrophobic. 

The Hunchback hangs here. (or hung) 

HUGE bells! 

Weinfest after the towers and church...  

Monday, July 8, 2013

Black Forest Adventures (Last weekend of June!)

My first break in the drive up into the forest...
 Cloud Cover...

 The "Holiday House" where the following festivities take place!

 I am the dog whisperer. For any of you who ever would like to bestow a friendly furry companion on me- this is the exact one that I would like. 
 I think the view makes the rustic accommodations worth it!
 And I would not mind if this were reserved for me...

 Pets are allowed in every restaurant, look how well they are treated! (it may be because this pup is a regular and lets face it, he's hot.)

 Some tea service!
 My gluten free room mate decided to brave it for the day and I think she ate her cake and half of each of ours. We prayed a blessing over the gluten and lo and behold... God answered!
 The traditional Apfel Kuchen that I would like to make (and eat)

 The Herb House
 The best shopping baskets ever
 Yes, it actually is tea.

 All of the tea I could imagine...
 My basket :)